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Announcing NetBSD 7.0 for USB Flash Drives

Announcing NetBSD 7.0 for USB Flash Drives

Hello and welcome back after three years. You will find filesystem images prepared for NetBSD/amd64, NetBSD/i386 and VirtualBox below for download.

The images come with a default installation of NetBSD 7.0 that works directly from the flash drive without touching your hard drive. You can also use this image to install NetBSD on remote servers or on the Cloud Server Platform Digital Ocean. By installing this image on your memorystick, you can try out NetBSD, configure and customize the system directly on the the flash drive. It also contains instructions on how to grow the filesystem to match the real size of the memorystick, for example 64 GB. Please have a look at the screenshots to get an impression. Be curious and get involved with the community.

Mirror Germany (Europe + US East) sponsored by

  • NetBSD/amd64 memorystick fs image for flash drives >= 1 GB.
    Filesize: 208 MB. MD5: 410e7bd96204978c98ba517f5390d517
  • NetBSD/i386 memorystick fs image for flash drives >= 1 GB.
    Filesize: 174 MB. MD5: f51ef646015c735daecb368554dc8d4d
  • VirtualBox 5 vmdk image.
    Filesize: 363 MB. MD5: 75fcdfac0e7ba7cccf2a6b2a20f67af0
  • Legacy LiveCD image.
    Filesize: 695 MB. MD5: 17964d3127dff6c9d3d9f33450b34170

Mirror Japan (Asia + US West) sponsored by

  • NetBSD/amd64 memorystick fs image for flash drives >= 1 GB.
    Filesize: 208 MB. MD5: 3047693895c3ff54eef0847d1b9ac552
  • NetBSD/i386 memorystick fs image for flash drives >= 1 GB.
    Filesize: 174 MB. MD5: f51ef646015c735daecb368554dc8d4d
  • VirtualBox 5 vmdk image.
    Filesize: 363 MB. MD5: 75fcdfac0e7ba7cccf2a6b2a20f67af0
  • Legacy LiveCD image.
    Filesize: 695 MB. MD5: 17964d3127dff6c9d3d9f33450b34170

Download, (g)unzip and dd the image to your flash drive, then boot from it.

For VirtualBox create a new Virtual Machine, add a SCSI Controller and add the vmdk file to the Controller, then boot.

I’ve successfully booted. What now?
You can try to grow the file system to match your real memorystick size. Once you have accomplished that you can try to install additional software packages. If you have trouble, the NetBSD community will help you. To get in touch with them join IRC channel #NetBSD on

How do I install software ?
The images come with pkgin preinstalled, an apt, brew or yum-like software manager. For example type “pkgin install figlet” to install figlet. Type “man pkgin” to see what is and what can be installed and ask on IRC what other ways there is to install software.

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